Consult your veterinarian immediately if your pet stops breathing
Check to see if there is anything lodged in the airway. If so, attempt to remove the object (please see choking)
Clean the area with warm water and remove any dirt, debris
If the airway is clear, check if the animal is breathing
If there is no breathing, and there is a pulse, begin artificial respiration (rescue breathing). To do, extend neck (so the airway is straight, not blocked), close the mouth (cover if small cat/dog), place your mouth over pets nose and blow (3-5 breaths) until you see the chest expand (do not over force air into lungs). Check for a pulse and if breathing on your own. If not breathing continue 12-20 x/min (Press belly every few minutes to expel air that has been forced into the stomach)
If there is no breathing, and there is a pulse, begin artificial respiration (rescue breathing). To do, extend neck (so the airway is straight, not blocked), close the mouth (cover if small cat/dog), place your mouth over pets nose and blow (3-5 breaths) until you see the chest expand (do not over force air into lungs). Check for a pulse and if breathing on their own. If not breathing continue 12-20 x/min (Press belly every few minutes to expel air that has been forced into the stomach)
If there is no breathing, and there is a pulse, begin artificial respiration (rescue breathing). To do, extend neck (so the airway is straight, not blocked), close the mouth (cover if small cat/dog), place your mouth over pets nose and blow (3-5 breaths) until you see the chest expand (do not over force air into lungs). Check for a pulse and if breathing on their own. If not breathing continue 12-20 x/min (Press belly every few minutes to expel air that has been forced into the stomach)